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For businesses or communities with 100+ people


What is a micro-market?

A micro-market is exactly what it sounds like. It is a small market inside a break room or apartment lobby serving healthy or non-healthy options. Many of these options are not able to go into traditional vending machines due to size or refrigeration requirements.


Who runs the market?

Nobody runs the market. Instead of an operator, the markets are self service. Customers grab products they wish to purchase and scan them at the kiosk. They then swipe their card or load their account with cash to pay for the items. If necessary, camera systems and inventory tracking are in place in order to monitor and prevent theft. 


What is the cost to our company?

Like our vending services, there is no cost to your company. We simply mark the products in the market up slightly to cover our costs and produce a small profit. Although there is no cost to your company, we reserve the right to remove markets and replace them with vending machines if theft is too high to run a profitable market.

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